Monday, August 13, 2012

Yummy , yummy, yummy...

For the first time ever I tried Thai food. It was delicious to say the least! I went to this little restaurant near my church called Lemongrass. I had been begging my mom to go with me and she didn't think she would like it. I turned her and made her a believer. Ha-ha. I ordered Mango Chicken with steamed rice and she had Lemongrass fried rice. Our meals came with the best spring rolls I have ever had and a plum sauce (it's sort of like the Thai version of Sweet and Sour sauce) to dip it in. I can't really say what was in our food. I think mine had some sort of sauce and sauteed chicken with mango, peppers, and onions. It had all kinds of different flavors going on and they tasted DELICIOUS. But the best part, I have to say, was the plum sauce.  I think I  like it better than white sauce and ADORE white sauce. So, if you live in Greenville, NC go to Lemongrass.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

History In The Making.

Congrats to Gabby Douglas!  She and the rest of the Fab 5 are AMAZING. Also, Michael Phelps is a beast. I would love to meet the swim team. I mean, look how cute they all are!

My Super-hero Fetish: Spider-Man vs. Batman.

So I recently saw the Amazing Spider-Man and I loveddddddd it!  I think I even like it better than the original Spider Man. Andrew Garfield made the movie adorable and his on-screen relationship with Emma Stone was so  cute. In fact I saw it twice. The Amazing Spider-man was more like the comic books and I felt the acting was better. But then I saw The Dark Knight Rises and it was amazing, too. The Dark Knight Rises is  very intense but the action is a lot better than the Amazing Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man is very  less heavy and was awkward (in a good, cute way) , which I love.

As far as the main characters love interests goes, I think Emma Stone was great for the part of Gwen Stacy. Like I said before, she and Andrew Garfield were adorable. Their first kiss was even cuter. Ha-ha. I wish someone would shoot out a web, spin me around, and kiss me like that. In the Dark Knight Rises, I think they would've been better off picking a different girl to play Cat-woman. They picked Anne Hathaway. I just don't see it. Maybe, I still see her as Mia Thermopolis from the Princess Diaries. I just don't think Anne Hathaway plays a good sexy villain.

Villain-wise Bane was wayy more intimidating than Dr. Connors. I guess making a mutant lizard a villian was to make it more cartoonish. The first time I saw The Amazing Spider-Man, I thought "wow, that's a stupid villian". But the second time around, it seemed to fit and regardless to how stupid it seemed at first, the action scenes still had me on the edge of my seat rooting for Peter Parker. It even made me jump a fed times. Bane on the other hand... I covered my eyes nearly the entire time he and Batman were fighting. It was too intense. Especially when he broke Batman's back. He was definately intimidating. So, yeah. I love both. I love Spider-Man more than Batman, but the as far as the movies go I think they both had each other beat in certain areas.

One thing I do love about The Dark Knight Rises that Spidey didn't have is a side kick. In The Dark Knight Rises, there is a police officer who tells Bruce Wayne that Gotham needs Batman.  When Batman escapes from a foreign prison, this police officer helps him. We later learn that this officer's name is Robin. Sneaky right? And he's played by extremely cute Joeshp Gordon-Levitt. 

Oh, and did i mention how cute Andrew Garfield is? 

My Ambitions.

Hey! My name is Chelsea. I'm 17 years old. I live in North Carolina. I have a strong passion for singing. I believe it's my calling to be a worship leader. I am constantly working on my voice to make it bigger and stronger. I also have a passion for shopping and eating well. I love doing Pilates and dancing. I also play piano. I want to become a writer for magazines. Hopefully nutrition magazines or maybe even Seventeen. It's my favorite. I figured blogging is a great start to that. So.... please subscribe and tell me what you think :).